- Names
- The name Jason
The name Jason
The boy name Jason has an English feature that gives it a certain character. As it is a short first name, associations with other first names are very frequent. Among famous people, we all marveled at the build of actor Jason Statham or the melodies of Jason Mraz.
Jason is a name of 5 letters that begins with the letter J and ends with the letter N.
Breakdown by sex (France and United States)
Number of children girls who had the first name Jason (5 026 births).
Number of children boys having had the first name Jason (1 065 959 births).
Figures and trends of the name Jason in the world
There have been 21 108 births of Jason since 1 969 (average of 440 / year). There were 106 named Jason born in 2 022. It's the year 1 995 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #6674
since 1 969
21 108
in 2 022
was the peak year
of births
1 995
births / year
on average
United States
There have been 1 049 877 births of Jason since 1 880 (average of 7 663 / year). There were 2 599 named Jason born in 2 022. It's the year 1 977 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #6674
since 1 880
1 049 877
in 2 022
2 599
was the peak year
of births
1 977
births / year
on average
7 663
In France, the first name Jason began to be used around 1970. At that date, there were still only 5 births. Then it gradually comes out of its discretion and becomes a little popular as 1990 approaches. . Following a decline that began after this period, the year 2017 had only 192 awards.
Jason is still very present in American culture even if he has greatly lost his popularity since he only had 3,847 births in 2018.
Etymology, origin and meaning of name Jason
It is in the Greek culture that we find the origin of the english name Jason. He comes from the first name Lasôn which means "God saves".
When do we celebrate Saint Jason? What day ?
No information at the moment.
Personalities of the Jason
Jason is a very confident person. Aware of his value and his intelligence, he does not hesitate to flaunt it as soon as the opportunity allows. This may of course exasperate some, but there is also a very masculine charm in his person when he tries to capture all the attention. Naturally, by this character, Jason is very attached to the material. For him, success is reflected in a good appearance and a panoply of possessions. In his quest for the ideal, he will most certainly be attracted to positions of great responsibility that will inspire authority.
Famous Jason
- Jason Statham
( 26/07/1967)
British actor
Jason is in the following categories:
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