Names compatibility
Enter 2 first names to calculate the compatibility between these 2 first names using our tool.
This tool offers a compatibility index based on numerology (1 letter = 1 number). The algorithm used has no scientific basis. Please do NOT base your romantic, friendly or professional relationships on the percentage results of this compatibility test tool. That would be a pity !
Why do a first name compatibility test?
There are many reasons why you might want to do a compatibility test. Love? A new acquaintance? The birth of a second baby?
Reminder: our tool gives a result as a percentage which has no scientific value and which is offered purely for whimsical purposes.
Love compatibility
Find out the compatibility between your first name and that of your soul mate to see if the odds are on your side or not...
Birth of twins or a 2nd baby
To avoid making a mistake about the choice of a second child who will brighten up the whole family, there is nothing like testing the compatibility between the 2 first names of your children.
Affinities / friendly relationship with a person
New acquaintance or friendship in sight? Discover the affinity between your 2 first names!