- Names
- The name Ava
The name Ava
Popular in France and the United States, Ava is a female given name of Hebrew origin whose variants are attached to the first names Alva, Anne-Eva, Aifa and Aviva. Ava is a name that has been worn by many celebrities around the world. We have, for example, the American actress Ava Gardner who starred in the films entitled "Pandora, Mogambo". We also have the American actress of Hungarian origin Ava Lazar who starred in "Santa Barbara, Forever Young..." or the famous German poet of the 11th century, Ava de Göttweig. Ava is a really short name that has aroused a lot of interest in the world because of its sound and originality.
Ava is a name of 3 letters that begins with the letter A and ends with the letter A.
Breakdown by sex (France and United States)
Number of children girls who had the first name Ava (325 642 births).
Number of children boys having had the first name Ava (317 births).
Figures and trends of the name Ava in the world
There have been 8 248 births of Ava since 1 955 (average of 133 / year). There were 1 153 named Ava born in 2 022. It's the year 2 022 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #17579
since 1 955
8 248
in 2 022
1 153
was the peak year
of births
2 022
births / year
on average
United States
There have been 317 711 births of Ava since 1 880 (average of 2 319 / year). There were 11 048 named Ava born in 2 022. It's the year 2 007 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #17579
since 1 880
317 711
in 2 022
11 048
was the peak year
of births
2 007
births / year
on average
2 319
Etymology, origin and meaning of name Ava
Ava is of Hebrew origin and comes from the old name "H'wwah or Hawwâh". It is essentially inspired by the Hebrew word “hayyah” which means “to live”, “to give life”, “living” or even “life”. In Persia or Iran, the first name Ava takes on the meaning of "bird", which is what its Latin form, "opinion", suggests. In addition, you should know that the first name Ava also has Australian and American origins. However, some historians relate that Ava drew her roots from the first name Éva, which was the oldest Latin transcription at the time. It enjoyed great notoriety in the Hebrew tradition before spreading widely in the English-speaking and French-speaking world today.
When do we celebrate Saint Ava? What day ?
Ava is a first name that is celebrated exclusively on April 29 of each year and it has become more popular thanks to Saint-Ava. Indeed, Saint Ava was a charming young girl, but she suffered from blindness. Niece of King Pépin in the 9th century in the north of France, she had only one wish, which was to recover her sight. For this, she appealed to Saint Remfroye in order to have this divine grace. It was during a pilgrimage in the north of the country that the young Ava regained her sight by a miracle. After her recovery, she bequeathed her property to the church and entered the monastery of Denain. This vocation earned her the title of nun and abbess.
Personalities of the Ava
Ava is a woman who always wants to please those around her. This will forces him to have a good character that allows him to easily take over. She is also a kind woman and very gentle in her actions. To seduce, she relies on her listening skills and her temperament. Indeed, Ava is a calm person who wants at all costs to see harmony reign in those around her.
She regularly uses diplomacy to calm the conflicts around her. However, you must avoid pushing her to the limit voluntarily because she can become very verbally violent and she is very sensitive. For little, you can see her break down in tears or drive her away from you by misinterpreting her actions.
Ava wants to be independent, but it is in her family and among her friends that she is fulfilled. She is very attached to family values ??and if, as a friend, you are dear to her, she considers you as her family. However, she will not accept you among her loved ones simply to please. She prefers to surround herself with sincere and conscious people. If you have these qualities, get ready to live unforgettable moments with Ava.
Beyond her desire to please, Ava is particularly hardworking when it comes to work. When she encounters an obstacle, you will no longer recognize the sweet Ava. She becomes a fearless warrior ready to destroy everything to achieve the objectives set. She is also a perfectionist and at the limit, picky. In a work group, she does not want to be a leader, but she is ready to obey without complaining.
Famous Ava
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