- Names
- The name Aya
The name Aya
Inspiring confidence, piety and gratitude, the feminine name Aya evokes the integrity of the woman. This very short first name of 3 letters is very popular and attributed regularly. Its most famous equivalents are Ayia, Aliya, Ayat, Ayiana or Ayo. Many celebrities have also carried this first name in the world. We find in particular the Franco-Malian R&B singer, Aya Nakamura; the Franco-Malian boxer and writer, two-time French amateur boxing world champion (1999 and 2003), Aya Cissoko; the famous American actress Aya Sumika or the Tunisian activist for the rights of women and children who are very famous in the world Aya Chebbi.
Aya is a name of 3 letters that begins with the letter A and ends with the letter A.
Breakdown by sex (France and United States)
Number of children girls who had the first name Aya (24 935 births).

Number of children boys having had the first name Aya (0 births).
Figures and trends of the name Aya in the world
There have been 18 299 births of Aya since 1 975 (average of 436 / year). There were 1 087 named Aya born in 2 022. It's the year 2 018 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #17610
since 1 975
18 299
in 2 022
1 087
was the peak year
of births
2 018
births / year
on average
United States
There have been 6 636 births of Aya since 1 972 (average of 147 / year). There were 383 named Aya born in 2 022. It's the year 2 019 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #17610
since 1 972
6 636
in 2 022
was the peak year
of births
2 019
births / year
on average
Etymology, origin and meaning of name Aya
The search for the etymology of the first name Aya refers to Arabic, Hebrew and Japanese. Indeed, in Hebrew, this word is used to designate “the vulture” or the “birds of prey”. In Arabic, on the other hand, the word Aya is much more honorific. It designates a Koranic verse and is also used to say “miracle”. As for the Japanese language, Aya is the expression used to speak of “natural beauty”. Correctly studying the etymology of the name Aya, it is more correct to attribute its originality to Arabic. Indeed, it is only in this language that “Aya” is really perceived as a first name. The meaning in Japanese could also claim to be a first name, but there has been no attribution yet. Aya is therefore a name of Arabic origin that recalls the extraordinary abilities of the creator. The meaning of the first name is obviously greater than that of the word. Naming her child Aya is mostly seen as a gesture of eternal gratitude to the creator.
When do we celebrate Saint Aya? What day ?
No information at the moment.
Personalities of the Aya
Aya's particularity is her dynamism. It is very easy to notice her determination whatever the task she has to carry out. In addition, she is always strong-willed and very rigorous in her work and towards herself. Indeed, Aya is a woman who has principles that she makes known at first contact. His qualities recognized by all those close to him are his uprightness and his frankness.
In groups, Aya has a calm and dignified temperament. It is easy for her to gain the trust of others because she respects her word and advocates for the well-being of all. On the other hand, she is very suspicious and does not easily trust everyone. She knows how to be patient in alarming situations and above all knows how to make the right decisions.
She has a naturally strong psychology and holds remarkable mental stamina. He is a very optimistic person and this optimism tends to impact those around him. She does not wait to make friends with others before being welcoming and giving her respect.
Famous Aya
No information at the moment.
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