- Names
- The name Tiwan
The name Tiwan
Tiwan is a first name of Latin origin, extremely rare in the world. It is made up of 5 letters, is ideal for boys and is frequently used in the English-speaking Christian community. Its originality, its sweetness and its sound make it the best male name to give to your child when looking for one that is not very popular. In addition, its simplified spelling actively contributes to its (low) popularity. This modern first name also owes its rarity to the non-existence of celebrities bearing it. Until then, and as was the case with Mayel, there is only one famous Tiwan in the world. This is the singer Tiwan Strong who participated in season 10 of American Idol. Hoping that this first name knows a better shine in terms of popularity in the future, here are for the moment some of its most recognized variants: Tiwen, Tillio, Trillian, Tibaut, or Tiwenn.
Tiwan is a name of 5 letters that begins with the letter T and ends with the letter N.
Breakdown by sex (France and United States)
Number of children girls who had the first name Tiwan (10 births).
Number of children boys having had the first name Tiwan (126 births).
Figures and trends of the name Tiwan in the world
There have been 40 births of Tiwan since 2 011 (average of 7 / year). There were 4 named Tiwan born in 2 022. It's the year 2 011 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #14483
since 2 011
in 2 022
was the peak year
of births
2 011
births / year
on average
United States
There have been 96 births of Tiwan since 1 972 (average of 2 / year). There were 5 named Tiwan born in 2 007. It's the year 1 976 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #14483
since 1 972
in 2 007
was the peak year
of births
1 976
births / year
on average
The first name Tiwan was used for the first time in France in 2011, the year during which it was given to 7 baby boys. This was also the year that saw the most births of babies named Tiwan in all of France. In the space of 9 years, the first name was only used for three years: 2012 with 3 attributions; 2017 with 3 allocations; 2021 still with 3 births of Tiwan babies. Since it appeared in France, there have been 36 people named Tiwan and the average allocation is 6 per year.
The first name Tiwan was used for the first time in the USA in 1972, the year in which it was given to 11 newborns. It will experience a slight decline the following year before taking off again during those that followed. Very quickly, in 1976, the first name Tiwan reached its peak when it was assigned to 13 people in all American states. This weak uptrend cannot be linked to any celebrity or particular event that took place during this period. After its success in 1976, the first name no longer managed to reach the bar of 10 attributions in the course of a single year. 2007 was the last year in which we heard of the first name in the United States. Since its advent, there have been 96 people who received Tiwan as their first name and the average attribution is 2 per year.
Etymology, origin and meaning of name Tiwan
Tiwan is part of the clan of rare first names whose etymology has not yet been officially established. However, some agree that the name is inspired by Taiwan, the island once controlled by Imperial China and ceded to Japan by the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
For you, we remain on the lookout for the evolution of information on this first name. Moreover, it will be with great pleasure that we will share them with you here.
When do we celebrate Saint Tiwan? What day ?
It is important to note that to date, no saint has been beatified in the name of Tiwan by the Church. And since this does not mean that there has not been a character under this name who has led a holy life in the love of God, Saint Tiwan can be celebrated on November 1. This day is dedicated to all people beatified or not throughout the world.
Personalities of the Tiwan
Tiwan is a lover of life and all that it can offer as pleasure. His priorities are comfort, luxury and financial well-being. Enterprising and very dynamic, Tiwan loves mobility and change. He has a keen sense of communication that arouses pleasure and seduces intensely, especially when speaking to someone for the first time. He is thirsty for knowledge and precisely, he does not need to be asked to acquire it through continuous learning.
Of an independent nature, he aspires to freedom with confidence. Tiwan is an intelligent and very skilful boy who knows how to sort out those who are essential to him and who will help him achieve his goals. As a team, he is a fascinating and incredible person who puts forward his caustic humor to hold the attention of his collaborators. He is daring and has a pronounced taste for discoveries and adventures. Very intuitive, he is a hard worker who is not afraid to take responsibility. Financially, it is confirmed that Tiwan loves money. This is why he seeks as many as he can in order to cover his expenses.
Famous Tiwan
No information at the moment.
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