- Names
- The name Roxane
The name Roxane
Roxane is a feminine first name which has a double origin (Iranian and Latin) and it enjoys good popularity in France. Its variants are Roxanne, Roxanna or Rozane and it has been worn by illustrious personalities. This is the case of the French politician Roxane Decorte; French bodyboarder Roxane Bonet; French actresses Roxane Duran and Roxane Mesquida or even Quebec actresses Roxane Gaudette-Loiseau and Roxane Bourdages. Even the wife of Alexander the Great (famous king of Macedonia during Antiquity) bore the first name Roxanne.
Roxane is a name of 6 letters that begins with the letter R and ends with the letter E.
Breakdown by sex (France and United States)
Number of children girls who had the first name Roxane (27 756 births).
Number of children boys having had the first name Roxane (0 births).
Figures and trends of the name Roxane in the world
There have been 22 598 births of Roxane since 1 903 (average of 198 / year). There were 702 named Roxane born in 2 022. It's the year 2 020 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #29636
since 1 903
22 598
in 2 022
was the peak year
of births
2 020
births / year
on average
United States
There have been 5 158 births of Roxane since 1 925 (average of 56 / year). There were 5 named Roxane born in 2 021. It's the year 1 956 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #29636
since 1 925
5 158
in 2 021
was the peak year
of births
1 956
births / year
on average
Etymology, origin and meaning of name Roxane
Roxane is a feminine given name that has two origins: the first is Iranian and the second is Latin. In Iranian, the first name meaning "Dawn" and which can still be linked to the meaning of "shining" like "Aurora", has its roots in the term "Roxan". In Latin, Roxane is derived from the word "Regina" which translates to "Queen". However, you should know that other historians find it a third origin which would come from Persia.
According to them, Roxane was the first name par excellence of the wife of Alexander the Great. Attached to the brilliant history of the conqueror of Macedonia, this first name has been mentioned several times in great literary and historical works. After the death of the wife of Alexander the Great, Roxana disappeared from use in the 6th century. It was not until the Renaissance era that it reappeared to become more democratic in the world, especially in the Mediterranean regions.
When do we celebrate Saint Roxane? What day ?
September 7 is the day dedicated to celebrating the first name Roxanne throughout France. We do not miss the opportunity to honor the Holy Queen in particular. Indeed, this first name refers to Saint Roxane who is, in reality, a fervent Christian from Alésia, in Côte-d'Or. She lived around the 3rd century when she was brought up in the Christian faith by her nurse; but she would have been martyred in 252 and died there.
Personalities of the Roxane
The very recognized personality trait in all women bearing the first name Roxane remains her strong character. Yes, Roxane, you can't do or say whatever you like to her without her reacting. She knows how to make others recognize her place, willingly or by force. They are modern women down to the nails who want to be independent and free at all costs.
Roxane knows how to face the adversity of life with all the necessary strength without ever giving up. Despite this strength in her soul, Roxane is a very emotional person who dreams, in secret, of living great adventures.
Otherwise, this tough person mask is just an appearance. She knows how to be very kind and generous towards her loved ones. Roxane doesn't necessarily want a lot of friends, but she won't push you away if you're a sincere person who only wants to get closer to her.
You just have to not be lazy and nonchalant. Indeed, Roxane prefers dynamic and ambitious people. Once Roxane accepts you among her loved ones, you can trust her blindly. She will make you discover all her tenderness and will share with you her ambitions.
She is a person who does not support routine and therefore prefers tasks that will force her to think and innovate. Working in a team can be difficult for her. Indeed, Roxane is authoritarian and wants to guarantee at all costs, an impeccable result. As a result, she can't let others decide the fate of her work!
Famous Roxane
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