- Names
- The name Izrael
The name Izrael
Izrael is masculine and stands out as the main derivative of the first name Israel. It has a classic appearance, but is actually very rare. It only came to France during the 20th century and is, until then, not yet very popular in France. On the other hand, it is a name frequently used in the United States. It has several derivatives including Izel, Izak, Izzet, Izabel or even Riza. There are many famous people who have highlighted the name Izrael in the world. We can cite: the very famous Polish inventor Izrael Abraham Staffel; poet Izrael Chaim Wilner; entrepreneur Izrael Poznanski; writers Edward John Izrael and Jimi Izrael. In the world of cinema, we find the actors Izrael Melendez, Izrael Arko or the actor and singer Izrael Rojas.
Izrael is a name of 6 letters that begins with the letter I and ends with the letter L.
Breakdown by sex (France and United States)
Number of children girls who had the first name Izrael (5 births).

Number of children boys having had the first name Izrael (974 births).
Figures and trends of the name Izrael in the world
United States
There have been 979 births of Izrael since 1 994 (average of 43 / year). There were 70 named Izrael born in 2 022. It's the year 2 022 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #91401
since 1 994
in 2 022
was the peak year
of births
2 022
births / year
on average
The first name Izrael does not yet appear in the French civil register. In other words, no child of French nationality is named Izrael. We remain on the lookout for the latest information and we will take care of informing you when the first name will be used in France. What if you were the first to use it? Let us know when it does.
The first name Izrael appeared for the first time in the United States during the year 1994. During this same year, there were 7 attributions of the first name in all American states. As was the case with Israel, its main variant, the first name Izrael experienced a large number of variations and evolved up and down over the years. It is in this instability that it manages to reach its peak in 2008, the year during which it was awarded to 60 newborns in the USA. We link this peak of popularity to the actor and singer Izrael Rojas. Since its advent on American territory, Izrael has been carried by 723 people in total and the average attribution is 31 per year.
Etymology, origin and meaning of name Izrael
Izrael is the main derivative of the first name Israel which is of Hebrew origin. It means “God will fight”. It is a biblical name given to Jacob as a reward for his bravery. Jacob fought all night against an angel sent from God. It was after this fight that God rebaptized him by the first name Israel. Thus, these descendants will be called "children of Israel" or "Israelites".
When do we celebrate Saint Izrael? What day ?
The celebration of Saint-Izrael is instituted to commemorate the life of Saint Israel, a biblical character, and Saint Israel, Canon of Dorat in the diocese of Limoges. When the first is celebrated on December 20, the second is celebrated on September 13 and December 12. Saint Israel, Canon of Dorat is known for his complete devotion to the work of God and especially for having participated in the formation of Saint Gautier de Lesterps.
Personalities of the Izrael
Izrael is a handsome boy with a great sense of humor. He likes to laugh and make those around him laugh and sometimes even strangers. This quality allows him to be part of developing his sociability and on the other hand to associate and integrate easily within a team or a group. Izrael also appreciates the practice of sports activities, because it allows him to keep his daily joviality.
He is a boy who is daring in any situation and who is never afraid to take on new challenges. As he grows up, he develops a sense of responsibility / a certain maturity that delights those around him and everyone he meets. He takes full advantage of his days, which he hardly ever regrets. When he sets goals, he does not hesitate to make enormous sacrifices in order to achieve them. In friendship, he shows reliability and loyalty, which earns him the consideration of his companions.
Famous Izrael
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