- Names
- The name Guenaelle
The name Guenaelle
Guenaëlle is a mixed name that can be worn by a little boy as well as a little girl. However, the male first name will tend to be written "Guenael". This first name also has several other spellings such as "gwenael" or "gwenaelle". This first name is very old in France and is very widespread in Brittany.
Guenaelle is a name of 9 letters that begins with the letter G and ends with the letter E.
Breakdown by sex (France and United States)
Number of children girls who had the first name Guenaelle (1 782 births).
Number of children boys having had the first name Guenaelle (0 births).
Figures and trends of the name Guenaelle in the world
There have been 1 782 births of Guenaelle since 1 949 (average of 26 / year). There were 3 named Guenaelle born in 2 014. It's the year 1 970 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #21311
since 1 949
1 782
in 2 014
was the peak year
of births
1 970
births / year
on average
There are now 1782 Guenaëlle in France since 1949. In 1970, this original first name was given to 86 girls. This is also the year he met with the greatest success. 83 children received this name in 1975 then 66 in 1980. There are currently 0 births bearing the name Guenaëlle since 2020.
Etymology, origin and meaning of name Guenaelle
The first name Guenaëlle is a Breton first name of Celtic origin. It means "white, happy or even prince". The most common translation is "white".
Guenaëlle was very popular in Brittany, particularly during the Middle Ages. The dissemination of Guenaëlle in other countries is much more recent and still remains weak. In France, it took until the 1970s to witness its rise. Indeed, this period was marked by a great appreciation of Breton first names. It was at this time that the first name took on a little importance without being one of the most common first names in France. However, Guenaëlle remains a very rarely given name today.
When do we celebrate Saint Guenaelle? What day ?
The Guenaëlle are celebrated on November 3. We celebrate on this occasion Saint Gwenaël (or Guénaël) who notably founded a monastery in Morbihan near Lorient. On November 3, we also celebrate the Huberts!
Personalities of the Guenaelle
Guenaëlle has a very calm and thoughtful personality. She tends to be very cautious and wise in everything she does. It is important for her to have a predefined framework to move forward on a daily basis. He is a calm and responsible person on whom we can count in case of problems. She knows how to set goals and she will achieve them, because she is not afraid of a challenge. However, she does not like danger and needs to have a reassuring living environment. She likes to stay at home and enjoys quiet activities such as reading.
Famous Guenaelle
No information at the moment.
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