- Names
- The name Tanna
The name Tanna
The name Tanna is a female name and has many derivatives such as Tana, Tuana, Taiana, Tatiana or Tyana. It is a rare first name and few people wear it today. It is mainly present in the United States.
Tanna is a name of 5 letters that begins with the letter T and ends with the letter A.
Breakdown by sex (France and United States)
Number of children girls who had the first name Tanna (3 230 births).
Number of children boys having had the first name Tanna (0 births).
Figures and trends of the name Tanna in the world
United States
There have been 3 230 births of Tanna since 1 943 (average of 44 / year). There were 9 named Tanna born in 2 022. It's the year 1 979 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #47339
since 1 943
3 230
in 2 022
was the peak year
of births
1 979
births / year
on average
Etymology, origin and meaning of name Tanna
No information at the moment.
When do we celebrate Saint Tanna? What day ?
No information at the moment.
Personalities of the Tanna
Tanna has an iron personality. She is unstoppable. She stops at nothing and perceives hesitation as a failure. He is a person who likes to move and does not stay in place. She is ambitious and wants to pursue a profession that will challenge her every day of her life. She knows how to easily react to situations when she is in control of them, but is quickly destabilized when she is not. Its advantage? His life force and his enthusiasm.
Famous Tanna
No information at the moment.
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