- Names
- The name Barbara
The name Barbara
Barbara is a feminine given name composed of 7 letters. There are several variations of this first name such as Barnabee, Barberine or Barbe. But also, linguistic variants like Barbora in Czech, Varvara in Ukrainian or Babsie in German. The first name Barbara is also adopted by actresses like Barbara Schulz, a French actress or Barbara Mori a Mexican actress.
Barbara is a name of 7 letters that begins with the letter B and ends with the letter A.
Breakdown by sex (France and United States)
Number of children girls who had the first name Barbara (1 461 613 births).
Number of children boys having had the first name Barbara (4 039 births).
Figures and trends of the name Barbara in the world
There have been 26 068 births of Barbara since 1 900 (average of 223 / year). There were 36 named Barbara born in 2 022. It's the year 1 972 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #17799
since 1 900
26 068
in 2 022
was the peak year
of births
1 972
births / year
on average
United States
There have been 1 439 584 births of Barbara since 1 880 (average of 10 508 / year). There were 271 named Barbara born in 2 022. It's the year 1 947 which saw the most births of babies with this name. #17799
since 1 880
1 439 584
in 2 022
was the peak year
of births
1 947
births / year
on average
10 508
Etymology, origin and meaning of name Barbara
Barbara comes from the Greek “barbaros” or “barbarae”.
Barbara comes from the Greek world. Indeed, the Greeks called the Latins “Barbarian”. It was during the 1st century of Christianity that the first name Barbara began to develop.
The name Barbara means someone who is foreign. Barbara is also a barbarian during the Roman Empire.
When do we celebrate Saint Barbara? What day ?
No information at the moment.
Personalities of the Barbara
This woman has a very strong character. Barbara is very demanding and likes to assert herself a lot, whether in the professional world or in her love life. For Barbara, the ideal is to move forward alone while being independent. But that does not prevent him from being dynamic as well as joyful in his life. She is a woman who will know how to tell you things naturally.
Famous Barbara
No information at the moment.
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